Natural Resources is looking for volunteers to help install fence weirs from 9:30AM – 2:30PM on the following days: April 22nd – Deep Creek April 23rd – West Twin April 24th – East Twin April 25th – Salt Creek Transportation and gear provided. RSVP for one or more days by contacting or (360) 457-4012 Ext. 7499
Category: Natural Resources
Coho Surveys: That’s a Wrap!
LEKT Natural Resources Department have been conducting annual Redd surveys on rivers and streams within the Tribe’s Usual and Accustomed Fishing areas since the early 1990’s. These areas contain over 400 miles of potential salmon spawning and rearing habitat, but it is not possible to sample every reach. The survey effort that begins in November and continues through the beginning of January is focused on habitat and prioritizes reaches that can characterized by specific size, gradient and valley confinement conducive to spawning. The geomorphologically selected sample includes 24 streams, divided into three regions: Western – Little Hoko, Leyh, Bridge, Cadillac, …READ MORE
NOAA Fisheries Elwha Data Portal Now Live!
Elwha Dam Removal Monitoring Data Researchers from NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center have been working with LEKT Natural Resources staff and partners to examine how riverine, estuarine and nearshore habitats continue to change since dam removal. Their team has just released on online database, where you can view and access the latest information on water temperature, habitat, fish (and more!) being collected by scientists. “NOAA scientists and partners have conducted monitoring and research on physical river-floodplain dynamics, water temperature, chemical changes in nutrients and stable isotopes, riverine benthic communities, juvenile salmonid diet, salmon recolonization and movement, genetics, and nearshore habitat and …READ MORE
C&S Coho Fishery Snapshot
“It makes my heart feel so good to have our people fishing the river again … You get fish hungry after a while. ” – Cheryl Charles Here are some highlights from the historic Coho fishery October 9-31st, 2023 … 203 Total Coho caught (137 by hook & line) 5 Non-target species caught and released: Bull trout, Pink, Chum, Cuthroat and Rainbow Trout Percent of Natural origin fish versus hatchery origin fish – 66:33 151 registered fishers Youngest Fisher: Age 14 5 fishers caught and delivered fish to elders Although returns were fewer than expected, this was consistent with statewide …READ MORE
Elwha Planting Day
Join us to help celebrate Orca Recovery Week with Clallam Conservation District. LEKT Natural Resources will be helping to host some of the events, including Forever Streamfest (October 14th), a webinar about Indian Creek Restoration (October 25th), a planting day on the former Lake Aldwell Reservoir (November 4th) and more! Visit to learn more – registration required for some events.
Sediment Grab Volunteer Callout
Volunteers needed at Natural Resources: September 11-14. 10AM- 2PM. LEKT Fisheries biologists are collecting sediment samples from the Elwha River estuary to understand the role of the benthic community to support salmon diet. Volunteers are needed to help sort sediment samples & identify critters. Come help us learn what’s hiding in the mud! Sediment Grabs Volunteer Callout (PDF)
Salmon Streams Are Closer Than You Think
LEKT Natural Resources Fisheries staff climb over the guardrail along highway 101 above the culvert that allows Tumwater Creek to flow beneath it to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The creek is nearly invisible from the road and they make their way down the steep banks to the narrow drainage, dropping gear on a cobble bar in the middle of a cool, clear and densely vegetated corner of the creek. The pristine nature of Tumwater Creek’s reach below Highway 101 is surprising, given its close proximity to the congestion of the edge of town. The purpose of this field …READ MORE
Summer Youth in Natural Resources Share Their Experiences
Bridget Weed is in her second Summer working with the Wildlife team at Natural Resources and has spent most of her time helping maintain camera traps and analyze the photo data that is collected, but has also had the opportunity to join attempted cougar captures as a part of the Olympic Cougar Project. Bridget says that even when she’s not in the field, she really enjoys looking through the images at all of the different wildlife. “One time there was a picture of a bobcat looking directly into the camera! I get surprised by how much the animals are actually …READ MORE
Elementary school students participate in historic release year for the House of Salmon
I crouched down with my camera ready to capture the moment of release, but rather than the right out of the gate scene I expected, the fish remained still. Familiarity with their rearing environment and their schooling behavior both support the (somewhat anticlimactic) slow reaction of the smolts to realize their opportunity to enter into the lower Elwha River where they will begin their migration to the ocean. It would be several hours before the majority of the fish would leave, under the cover of darkness and after they had acclimated to the channel. Since it began its …READ MORE
‘The Beautiful Undammed’ PBS documentary film now available for live streaming!
Ten years after the largest dam removal in history—on the Elwha River, in Washington State—scientists are chronicling an inspiring story of ecological rebirth. Recovering salmon populations are transferring critical nutrients from the ocean into the forests along the Elwha’s banks, enriching the entire ecosystem. The Elwha’s revival is encouraging advocates to push for the removal of many larger dams in the region, and in the rest of the world. This 30-minute documentary tells the story … The Beautiful Undammed | WILD HOPE | Nature | PBS